I am currently a Ph.D. student since 2023, advised by Prof.Peidong Liu, at the School of Engineering, Westlake University in collaboration with Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. My research mainly focus on foundational topics in 1) 3D Computer Vision 2) Machine Learning and 3) Optimization, recently involving Optimal Transport, Geometry, and Generative Model. Open to collaboration! 😊

Previously, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in the College of Electrical and Information Engineering from Hunan University, Changsha, China.


  • 07.2024 Four papers are accepted at ECCV 2024! Details below.
  • 09.2023 I join the Prof. Peidong Liu's Lab in Westlake University as a PhD student.
  • 08.2023 I have successfully graduated from Hunan University.
  • 06.2023 A paper is accepted at TPAMI 2023! Details below.
  • 03.2023 A paper is accepted at CVPR 2023! Details below.


Selected publications I am a primary author on are highlighted.

Ego-motion Estimation for Vehicles with a Rolling Shutter Camera

Yongcong Zhang, Bangyan Liao, Delin Qu, Junde Wu, Xinyu Lu, Wanting Li, Yifei Xue, Yizhen Lao

TIV 2024
[ Paper | BibTex ]

RSL-BA: Rolling Shutter Line Bundle Adjustment

Yongcong Zheng∗ , Bangyan Liao∗ , Yifei Xue, Chen Lu, Peidong Liu, Yizhen Lao

ECCV 2024
[ ]

GlobalPointer: Large Scale Plane Adjustment with Bi-Convex Relaxation

Bangyan Liao*, Zhenjun Zhao*, Lu Chen, Haoang Li, Daniel Cremers, Peidong Liu

ECCV 2024
[ | Preprint | Project page ]

Motion and Structure from Event-based Normal Flow

Zhongyang Ren* , Bangyan Liao*, Delei Kong , Jinghang Li , Peidong Liu , Laurent Kneip, Guillermo Gallego , Yi Zhou

ECCV 2024
[ | Preprint | Project page ]

Event-Aided Time-to-Collision Estimation for Autonomous Driving

Jinghang Li*, Bangyan Liao*, Xiuyuan Lu, Peidong Liu, Shaojie Shen, Yi Zhou

ECCV 2024
[ | Preprint | Project page ]

USB-NeRF: Unrolling Shutter Bundle Adjusted Neural Radiance Fields

Moyang Li*, Peng Wang*, Lingzhe Zhao, Bangyan Liao, Peidong Liu

ICLR 2024
[ Paper | Preprint | BibTex | Project page | Code ]

Fast Rolling Shutter Correction in the Wild

Delin Qu*, Bangyan Liao*, Huiqing Zhang, Omar Ait-Aider, Yizhen Lao

TPAMI 2023
[ Paper | Preprint | BibTex | Project page | Code ]

Revisiting Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment: Toward Accurate and Fast Solution

Bangyan Liao*, Delin Qu*, Yifei Xue, Huiqing Zhang, Yizhen Lao

CVPR 2023
[ Paper | Preprint | BibTex | Project page | Code ]